驾驶员因在中国撞入学童,被判死刑,缓期执行,造成30人受伤。 Driver sentenced to death with reprieve for crashing into schoolchildren in China, injuring 30.
在中国昌德,一名司机撞上一群学童和行人,造成多人受伤,被判处死刑,缓期两年执行。 A driver in Changde, China, who crashed into a group of schoolchildren and pedestrians, resulting in multiple injuries, has been given a death sentence with a two-year reprieve. 这意味着,如果司机的行为在此期间有所好转,处决可以延缓。 This means execution could be stayed if the driver's behavior improves during this period. 事件共造成30人受伤,其中包括18名小学生。 The incident injured a total of 30 people, including 18 elementary school students.