德里再次被排除在共和国日游行之外,加剧了AAP和BJP之间的政治紧张。 Delhi excluded from Republic Day parade again, fueling political tension between AAP and BJP.
德里的议席已连续第四年被排斥在共和国日游行之外,引发了Aam Aadmi党(AAP)和Bharatiya Janata党(BJP)之间的政治纠纷。 Delhi's tableau has been excluded from the Republic Day parade for the fourth consecutive year, sparking a political dispute between the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). 人民党领导人Arvind Kejriwal指控人民党领导的中央政府玩弄政治,忽视德里,而人民党官员则说,决定由一个指定的委员会作出,并以功绩为依据。 AAP leader Arvind Kejriwal accused the BJP-led central government of playing politics and neglecting Delhi, while BJP officials stated that the decision is made by a designated committee and based on merit. 国防部实施了一项为期三年的延期计划,以确保所有州和联盟领土的平等参与。 The Defence Ministry introduced a three-year rollover plan to ensure equal participation from all states and union territories.