Tonny Gonzales议员批评政府关闭, 质疑「脸朝国家」节目的政治影响。 Congressman Tony Gonzales criticizes government shutdown, questioning political influences on the show "Face the Nation."
共和党议员托尼·冈萨雷斯(Tony Gonzales)在12月22日的“脸朝国家”一集中, 讨论了最近政府倒闭及共和党内部的混乱。 In the December 22 episode of "Face the Nation," Republican Congressman Tony Gonzales discussed the recent government shutdown and the chaos within the Republican Party. Gonzales批评一项权宜之计筹资措施和Elon Musk对政治决定的影响,强调需要定期的立法程序。 Gonzales criticized a stopgap funding measure and Elon Musk's influence on political decisions, emphasizing the need for regular legislative processes. 该节目还展示了其他立法者和官员对今年事件和今后潜在挑战的思考。 The show also featured other lawmakers and officials reflecting on the year's events and potential future challenges.