阿塞拜疆与大学签署契约,通过社会支持和研究改善缓刑服务。 Azerbaijan signs pact with university to improve probation services through social support and research.
阿塞拜疆司法部缓刑处和巴库国立大学签署了一项合作备忘录,为被缓刑者提供社会心理支持和康复。 Azerbaijan's Ministry of Justice Probation Service and Baku State University have signed a Memorandum of Cooperation to provide social-psychological support and rehabilitation for those under probation. 协作包括志愿人员参与、提高认识活动、研讨会、教材和研究。 The collaboration includes volunteer involvement, awareness events, seminars, teaching materials, and research. 这一伙伴关系的目的是在缓刑服务中加强先进方法的应用。 This partnership aims to enhance the application of advanced methods in probation services.