女人被软禁两年 而不是因为持有芬太尼而入狱 被认为是第二次机会 Woman gets 2 years of house arrest instead of prison for fentanyl possession, deemed a second chance.
一名Sarnia第一民族妇女Nicole Joseph因拥有29克芬太尼而被判处两年软禁,而不是监禁。 A Sarnia First Nation woman, Nicole Joseph, received a two-year house arrest sentence instead of prison for possessing 29 grams of fentanyl. Joseph因严重芬太尼上瘾而挣扎,自2022年被捕以来,她的生活已经改变。 Joseph, who struggled with severe fentanyl addiction, has turned her life around since her 2022 arrest. 高等法院Russell Raikes承认他的决定有困难, 指出这是Joseph的“第二次机会”, 并敦促她不要浪费这个机会。 Superior Court Justice Russell Raikes acknowledged the difficulty of his decision, stating it was Joseph's "second chance" and urged her not to waste it. 尽管她康复了,但检方指出她在促成阿片危机方面发挥的作用。 Despite her recovery, the prosecution noted her role in contributing to the opioid crisis.