随着斯科特·弗罗斯特 (Scott Frost) 的回归,UCF 聘请前阿巴拉契亚州立大学主教练肖恩·克拉克 (Shawn Clark) 担任进攻线教练。 UCF hires former Appalachian State head coach Shawn Clark as offensive line coach as Scott Frost returns.
中佛罗里达州大学(UCF)雇用肖恩·克拉克(Shawn Clark)为其新的进攻线教练。 The University of Central Florida (UCF) has hired Shawn Clark as its new offensive line coach. 克拉克是前阿帕拉契州立大学主教练,两次获得全美进攻线人称号,他曾在肯特州立大学,普渡大学和东肯塔基州担任教练. Clark, a former Appalachian State head coach and two-time All-American offensive lineman, brings experience from coaching roles at Kent State, Purdue, and Eastern Kentucky. 在Gus Malzahn离开后,UCF的首席教练Scott Frost返回领导团队。 Gus Malzahn离开后,他成为佛罗里达州进攻协调员。 UCF's head coach, Scott Frost, has returned to lead the team following the departure of Gus Malzahn, who left to become Florida State's offensive coordinator.