Tiniy Iarla Ace, 25周出生, 在克服严重健康挑战后, 第一次庆祝圣诞节回家, Tiny Iarla Ace, born at 25 weeks, celebrates first home Christmas after overcoming severe health challenges.
Iarla Ace 是一名 14 个月大的婴儿,在 25 周时早产,体重仅为 1 磅 10 盎司,在克服了包括脑出血和五次手术在内的严重健康问题后,他将在家中庆祝他的第一个圣诞节。 Iarla Ace, a 14-month-old born prematurely at 25 weeks weighing just 1lb 10oz, is set to celebrate his first Christmas at home after overcoming serious health issues including a brain hemorrhage and five surgeries. 生于贝尔法斯特,Iarla最近被摘除喂养管。 Born in Belfast, Iarla recently had his feeding tube removed. 他的父母Lindsay和Matthew和他的妹妹Aine感谢医务人员和慈善机构在Iarla的旅程中给予的支持。 His parents, Lindsay and Matthew, along with his sister Aine, are grateful to medical staff and charities for their support during Iarla's journey.