斯里兰卡审查115个州实体削减700万加元的预算,减轻公民税收负担。 Sri Lanka reviews 115 state entities to cut $700M budget, easing citizen tax burden.
斯里兰卡计划审查115个国家实体,每年耗资1 400亿卢比,旨在查明重叠和低效率问题。 Sri Lanka plans to review 115 state entities costing 140 billion rupees annually, aiming to identify overlaps and inefficiencies. 这项审查由总理秘书领导的一个委员会牵头,力求减少公民的税收负担,作为财政整顿战略的一部分。 The review, led by a committee headed by the Prime Minister's secretary, seeks to reduce the tax burden on citizens as part of a fiscal consolidation strategy. 随着时间的推移,各实体的作用有所减少,审查节省的费用将有助于减少国家开支。 The entities' roles have diminished over time, and savings from the review will help reduce state expenses.