一些公告,包括Brian William和Bill Jon Appleby的公告,被列入Winnipeg自由新闻社,标志着当地人丧生。 Several obituaries, including those of Brian William and Bill Jon Appleby, were listed in the Winnipeg Free Press, marking local lives lost.
温尼伯自由新闻段落部分列出了最近的几篇讣告,包括 Irwin Brian William、Appleby Bill (William) Jon、Wright John William 和 Palmer William。 The Winnipeg Free Press Passages section lists several recent obituaries, including Irwin Brian William, Appleby Bill (William) Jon, Wright John William, and Palmer William. 每个条目都标志着一个人的逝世,简短地承认他们的生命,并给他们的亲人提供一个反思和纪念的时刻。 Each entry marks the passing of an individual, providing a brief acknowledgment of their life and a moment for reflection and remembrance for their loved ones.