七个商界领袖敦促英国政府支持「阳光法案」, Seven business leaders urge UK government to back the "Sunshine Bill" for solar panels on new homes.
7位商界领袖呼吁英国政府支持「阳光法案」, Seven business leaders have called on the UK government to support the "Sunshine Bill," which would require solar panels on all new homes. 该法案由自由民主党马克斯·威尔金森提出,旨在降低能源支出,降低电网压力,并帮助实现气候目标。 The bill, proposed by Liberal Democrat Max Wilkinson, aims to lower energy bills, reduce grid pressure, and help meet climate targets. 尽管政府支持这个想法,但尚未就具体细节作出最后决定。 While the government supports the idea, a final decision on the specifics has not yet been made.