怀孕妇女被电击,丈夫生气她错过了工作, 引起在线反响. Pregnant woman electrocuted, husband angry she missed work, draws online backlash.
一个孕妇 6个月前 被电死 无法感觉到她的孩子在动 所以她去了急诊室 A pregnant woman, six months along, was electrocuted and couldn't feel her baby moving, so she went to the ER. 她丈夫在家看着孩子,她丈夫很生气,不能回来让他去上班。 Her husband, who stayed home watching their children, was angry she couldn't return to let him go to work. 尽管两者都很好,但丈夫的反应引起了支持该妇女的Reddit用户的批评。 Despite both being fine, the husband's reaction drew criticism from Reddit users who supported the woman.