新南威尔士州政府在破坏和纵火事件后简化了教堂、清真寺和犹太教堂的安全。 NSW government streamlines security for churches, mosques, and synagogues after vandalism and arson incidents.
新南威尔士州政府正在简化超过3900个教堂,167个清真寺和25个犹太教堂的安全升级, 允许他们安装像柱塞和摄像头这样的安全功能, The New South Wales government is simplifying security upgrades for over 3,900 churches, 167 mosques, and 25 synagogues, allowing them to install security features like bollards and cameras without needing a Development Application. 这是继最近对宗教建筑物进行破坏和纵火事件之后发生的。 This follows recent incidents of vandalism and arson against religious buildings. 政府还正在考虑制定法律,规范宗教场所以外的抗议活动,以防止恐吓。 The government is also considering laws to regulate protests outside religious sites to prevent intimidation.