曼卡托警察逮捕了18岁的小关特尔·博恩(Guenther Boone Jr.),罪名是致命枪击案;调查仍在进行中。 Mankato police arrest 18-year-old Guenther Boone Jr. in fatal shooting case; investigation ongoing.
曼卡托警方正在调查在东沃尔努特街发生的一起致命枪击事件,当时一名18岁的小Guenther Boone被逮捕,并被指控犯有二级谋杀罪。 Mankato police are investigating a fatal shooting that occurred on East Walnut Street, where an 18-year-old, Guenther Boone Jr., has been arrested and charged with second-degree murder. 在Grove街的一辆汽车中发现的受害者在现场被宣布死亡。 The victim, found in a vehicle on Grove Street, was pronounced dead at the scene. 包括蓝地县治安官办公室和明尼苏达州刑事逮捕局在内的当局正在协助调查。 Authorities, including the Blue Earth County Sheriff's Office and Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension, are assisting in the investigation. 警方表示公众没有额外危险, 但敦促任何知情人士拨打911。 Police say there is no additional danger to the public but are urging anyone with information to call 911.