里昂郡治安官办公室 寻找失踪的少年Kaydeelynn Beattie 最后一次见到是在内华达州代顿 Lyon County Sheriff's Office searches for missing teen Kaydeelynn Beattie, last seen in Dayton, Nevada.
里昂郡警长办公室正在寻找15岁的Kaydeelynn Beattie, 她从内华达州代顿失踪了。 The Lyon County Sheriff's Office is searching for 15-year-old Kaydeelynn Beattie, who went missing from Dayton, Nevada. 她留下了一张纸条,暗示她正前往犹他州,但没有带她的手机或笔记本电脑。 She left a note suggesting she was heading to Utah but did not take her phone or laptop. 最后一次看到Beattie穿着黑裤子和黑连帽衫,背着一个黑色手提包和一个蓝色雪人。 Beattie was last seen wearing black pants and a black hoodie, and was carrying a black handbag with a blue snowman. 任何人如有情报,请与里昂县警察局联系,电话号码是775-463-6620。 Anyone with information should contact the Lyon County Sheriff's Office at 775-463-6620.