劳工领导人在讨论节日援助运动时强调了工会的成就和志愿工作。 Labor leaders highlighted union achievements and volunteer efforts during a discussion on a holiday aid drive.
当地劳工领袖在东县杂志《电台节目》上讨论了最近的假日食品和玩具驱动器, 援助受建筑下滑和保健罢工影响的家庭。 Local labor leaders discussed a recent holiday food and toy drive on the East County Magazine Radio Show, aiding families affected by the construction downturn and healthcare strikes. 尽管面临挑战,奥利维亚·阿吉雷和克里斯·查瓦拉等客人还是自愿参加。 Despite challenges, guests like Ollivia Aguirre and Chris Chavara volunteered. 劳工理事会主席Brigette Browning强调了工会的成功,包括组织夏普保健工作者工会和签订历史性的旅馆工人合同。 The Labor Council's president, Brigette Browning, highlighted union successes, including unionizing Sharp Healthcare workers and securing a historic hotel workers' contract.