印度总理莫迪访问科威特劳改营, 赞美工人及强调「2047年发展印度」的福利倡议。 Indian PM Modi visits Kuwait labor camp, praising workers and highlighting welfare initiatives for "Developed India 2047."
总理莫迪(Narendra Modi)访问科威特劳工营, 赞扬印度工人对印度发展的贡献, Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited a labor camp in Kuwait, praising Indian workers for their contributions to India's development and linking their efforts to his vision for a "Developed India 2047." 他与约1,500名工人互动,强调福利举措,如负担得起的互联网和改善保险计划。 He interacted with about 1,500 workers, highlighting welfare initiatives like affordable internet and improved insurance schemes. 这次访问是在今年早些时候工人住房设施发生悲剧性火灾之后进行的,是43年来印度总理首次访问。 The visit follows a tragic fire at a worker housing facility earlier this year and marks the first by an Indian Prime Minister in 43 years.