印度部长访问特里普拉,启动项目,强调部落争端的解决。 Indian minister visits Tripura, inaugurates projects, and highlights resolution of tribal disputes.
印度内政部长阿米特·沙赫访问了特里普拉, 在总理莫迪领导下, 庆祝了和平与发展. Union Home Minister Amit Shah visited Tripura, celebrating peace and development under Prime Minister Narendra Modi's leadership. 他启动了13个项目,价值668.39卢比,其中包括污水处理厂和保健中心。 He inaugurated 13 projects worth Rs 668.39 crore, including sewage treatment plants and health centers. Shah强调解决了23岁的Reang部落争端,40 000多名部落得到重新安置,费用为900卢比,向他们提供水电等基本设施。 Shah highlighted the resolution of the 23-year-old Reang tribal dispute, with over 40,000 tribals resettled at a cost of Rs 900 crore, providing them basic facilities like water and electricity. 此外,还讨论了因族裔暴力而流离失所的37 500名布鲁部落难民的重新安置问题,重新安置费用为821卢比。 Additionally, the rehabilitation of 37,500 Bru tribal refugees, displaced by ethnic violence, was also discussed, with resettlement costing Rs 821 crore.