现代汽车集团领导韩国在2024年破纪录的512万辆汽车召回,主要原因是制造缺陷。 Hyundai Motor Group led South Korea's record 5.12 million vehicle recalls in 2024, mostly due to manufacturing defects.
2024年,南韩汽车制造商创下了512万辆汽车的回顾记录,其中80%来自现代汽车集团。 In 2024, South Korean automakers set a record with 5.12 million vehicle recalls, 80% of which were from Hyundai Motor Group. 由于制造缺陷, 现代和起亚的流行车型被召回. The recalls, primarily due to manufacturing defects, affected popular models by Hyundai and Kia. 电动车辆的召回量也猛增,今年的召回量超过120万台,比往年大幅增加。 Electric vehicle recalls also surged, with over 1.2 million units recalled this year, a significant increase from previous years.