美国食品和药物管理局召回多种药物和补充剂,包括GNMART的Forever和Shoppers-Plaza的SugarLin,因为健康风险. FDA recalls multiple drugs and supplements, including GNMART's Force Forever and Shoppers-Plaza's SugarLin, due to health risks.
在2024年12月,FDA对几种药物和补充剂进行了召回. In December 2024, the FDA issued recalls for several drugs and supplements. GNMART Inc.的“永生力量”食品补充品被召回,因为未申报的药物对健康构成威胁。 GNMART Inc.'s Force Forever Dietary Supplement was recalled due to undeclared medicines posing health risks. Shoppers-Plaza回忆Fouzee SugarLin草药配方,因为含有未经批准的成分。 Shoppers-Plaza recalled Fouzee SugarLin Herbal Formula for containing unapproved ingredients. Endo, Inc.还回顾了由于标签错误造成的鼻腔溶液。 Endo, Inc. also recalled a nasal solution due to label errors. 建议消费者归还这些产品,并随时了解安全情况。 Consumers are advised to return these products and stay informed about recalls for safety.