2024年12月, 孟加拉国汇款增加26%, 21天内超过20亿美元。 In Dec. 2024, Bangladesh sees a 26% jump in remittances, reaching over $2 billion in 21 days.
在2024年12月的头21天,孟加拉国收到的汇款超过20亿美元,比去年同期增加26%。 In the first 21 days of December 2024, Bangladesh received over $2 billion in remittances, a 26 percent increase from the same period last year. 出现这种激增的原因是,在政治过渡和对银行系统的信心增强之后,外国人更多地利用合法的银行渠道。 This surge is attributed to expatriates using legal banking channels more, following a political transition and increased confidence in the banking system. 从7月至12月,汇款总额达到13.14亿美元,银行家预期12月将有可能创下新的每月记录。 From July to December, total remittances reached $13.14 billion, with bankers expecting December to potentially set a new monthly record.