在坦桑尼亚,一辆刹车失灵的公共汽车撞入一条峡谷,造成11人死亡,16人受伤。 A bus in Tanzania with brake failure crashed into a ravine, killing 11 and injuring 16.
在坦桑尼亚西北部Biharamulo区发生的一次悲剧性事故中,一辆刹车故障的公共汽车倒车倒车,撞上了一辆固定车辆,跌入一条峡谷,造成11人死亡,16人受伤。 In a tragic accident in Biharamulo district, northwestern Tanzania, a bus with brake failure rolled backward, hit a stationary vehicle, and plunged into a ravine, killing 11 and injuring 16. 事件发生在星期六当地时间下午2时,地点在Kasibdaga森林,公交车翻倒并拆下上段,而座椅仍完整无损。 The incident occurred Saturday at 2 p.m. local time in the Kasibdaga forest, with the bus overturning and tearing off its upper section while seats remained intact. Kagera地区警察指挥官Blasius Chatanda证实了有关细节。 Kagera regional police commander Blasius Chatanda confirmed the details.