津巴布韦新任警察局长斯蒂芬·穆坦巴(Stephen Mutamba)将于1月就职, Zimbabwe's new police chief, Stephen Mutamba, set to take office in January, is under U.S. sanctions.
津巴布韦总统埃默森·姆南加格瓦已任命副专员斯蒂芬·穆坦巴将军担任津巴布韦共和国警察的新首长,自2025年1月1日起生效。 Zimbabwe's President Emmerson Mnangagwa has appointed Deputy Commissioner General Stephen Mutamba as the new head of the Zimbabwe Republic Police, effective January 1, 2025. 穆坦巴将取代即将离任的戈德温·马坦加将军。 Mutamba will replace outgoing Commissioner General Godwin Matanga. 然而,Mutamba也因破坏津巴布韦的民主进程而被列入美国制裁名单。 However, Mutamba has also been added to the US sanctions list for undermining Zimbabwe's democratic processes. 任命的目的是为警察部队提供战略领导,因为警察部队面临腐败和侵犯人权行为的批评。 The appointment aims to bring strategic leadership to the police force, which has faced criticism over corruption and human rights abuses.