联合王国寻求公众就Dalton军营5 250个家庭村庄的计划提供意见,直到1月6日。 UK seeks public input on plans for a 5,250-home village at Dalton Barracks until Jan 6.
国防部已延长公众评论在道尔顿军营新建一个由居民领导的花园村计划的期限,至1月6日。 The Ministry of Defence has extended the public comment period on plans for a new residential-led garden village at Dalton Barracks until January 6. 该项目可引入5,250个新住房,包括经济适用住房,以及学校、休闲设施和就业机会。 The project could introduce up to 5,250 new homes, including affordable housing, along with schools, leisure facilities, and job opportunities. 反馈将有助于制定一个总计划,预计到2026年将有一个大纲规划应用程序。 Feedback will help create a masterplan, with an outline planning application expected by 2026.