研究者发现肿瘤的僵硬能促进癌症的生长, 并提出了新的治疗目标。 Researchers find tumor stiffness promotes cancer growth, suggesting new treatment targets.
得克萨斯A&M大学的研究人员发现,肿瘤组织的僵硬通过影响细胞核,促进了癌症细胞的增长。 Researchers at Texas A&M University found that stiffening of tumor tissue promotes cancer cell growth by affecting the nucleus. 在一个严酷的环境中,核拉米娜变得没有皱纹,让YAP蛋白质进入核中,并增加细胞扩散。 In a stiff environment, the nuclear lamina becomes unwrinkled, allowing YAP protein to enter the nucleus and increase cell proliferation. 这一发现表明,新的癌症治疗方法可以针对肿瘤的僵硬性,侧重于乳胶A/C等蛋白质。 This discovery suggests new cancer treatments could target tumor stiffness, focusing on proteins like lamin A/C.