警察在发现非法饲养兔子的证据后,在牛津郡Benson附近查获了一辆可疑汽车。 Police seized a suspicious car near Benson, Oxfordshire, after finding evidence of illegal hare coursing.
12月20日, 牛津郡警方在Benson附近查获一辆可疑汽车, Police in Oxfordshire seized a suspicious car on December 20 after spotting it near Benson, where evidence of illegal hare coursing was found. 养兔,包括狗追赶和杀死野兔, 现在在英国被归类为动物虐待。 Hare coursing, involving dogs chasing and killing hares, is now classified as animal cruelty in Britain. 当局仍在努力查明该车的乘客身份。 Authorities are still working to identify the car's occupants.