流动警察发现失踪妇女Vereneia Martin, 尽管有妨碍判断的条件,她还是离家出走。 Mobile police found missing woman Vereneia Martin, who left home despite having a condition that impairs judgment.
2024年12月19日报告失踪的33岁女性Vereneia Martin。 Authorities in Mobile, Alabama found Vereneia Martin, a 33-year-old woman reported missing on December 19, 2024. Martin自愿离开在Leroy Stevens Road的家,虽然她有可能会妨碍其判断的条件。 Martin left her home on Leroy Stevens Road willingly, though she has a condition that may impair her judgment. 流动警察局寻求公众帮助寻找她,对她的安康表示关切。 The Mobile Police Department had sought public help to locate her, expressing concern for her well-being.