密苏里州州长对在2019年枪杀Cameron Lamb的事件中 被判有罪的军官减刑 Missouri Governor commutes sentence of officer convicted in 2019 fatal shooting of Cameron Lamb.
密苏里州州长Mike Parson已经减刑 前堪萨斯市警官Eric DeValkenaere的刑期 他因在2019年杀害黑人男子Cameron Lamb的枪击案 被判非自愿过失杀人罪 Missouri Governor Mike Parson has commuted the prison sentence of former Kansas City police officer Eric DeValkenaere, who was convicted of involuntary manslaughter in the 2019 fatal shooting of Black man Cameron Lamb. DeValkenaere现在将获得假释,但须遵守某些条件。 DeValkenaere will now be released on parole, subject to certain conditions. 这一决定引发了争议,有些人赞扬这一举动,另一些人则批评这一举动破坏了司法系统。 The decision has sparked controversy, with some praising the move and others criticizing it as undermining the judicial system. Lamb's的家人继续对DeValkenaere 提起联邦诉讼 Lamb's family continues to pursue a federal lawsuit against DeValkenaere.