NC Goldsboro的一名男子被控谋杀未遂罪,当时他与一名妇女和两名儿童一起向一辆汽车开枪。 A man from Goldsboro, NC, is charged with attempted murder after shooting at a car with a woman and two children inside.
Alan Miller Jr., 40岁,来自北卡罗来纳州Goldsboro的男子,据称在一次家庭骚乱中向一辆载有一名29岁妇女及其两个幼儿的汽车开枪后,被逮捕并被指控企图一级谋杀。 Alan Miller Jr., a 40-year-old man from Goldsboro, North Carolina, has been arrested and charged with attempted first-degree murder after allegedly shooting at a car containing a 29-year-old woman and her two young children during a domestic disturbance. 事件发生时,警察对ShotSpotter警报作出反应。 The incident occurred when police responded to a ShotSpotter alert. 米勒面临多重指控 包括攻击和发射枪支 Miller faces multiple charges including assault and discharging a firearm.