男子在爱尔兰Monaghan县的2点高速追逐中撞上警察车辆,被控罪名成立。 Man charged after ramming Garda vehicles in County Monaghan, Ireland, during a 2am high-speed chase.
在爱尔兰莫纳汉县发生与警察车辆碰撞的高速事故后,一名男子被指控危险驾驶和刑事损坏。 A man has been charged with dangerous driving and criminal damage after a high-speed incident in County Monaghan, Ireland, involving collisions with Garda vehicles. 事件发生在凌晨2时左右,一辆超速汽车故意撞向两辆巡逻车。 The incident occurred around 2am when a speeding car deliberately rammed into two patrol cars. 两名男子被逮捕,第三人逃离现场。 Two men were arrested, and a third fled the scene. 没有人员受伤的报告。 No injuries were reported. 嫌犯应于1月13日出庭,当局正在寻找证人和录像。 The suspect is due in court on January 13th, and authorities are seeking witnesses and footage.