Lucio Camargo Garcia因贩运甲基苯丙胺和芬太尼被判处40年徒刑。 Lucio Camargo Garcia sentenced to 40 years for trafficking methamphetamine and fentanyl.
来自新伯尔尼的Lucio Camargo Garcia因在克拉文县贩运和分销甲基苯丙胺和芬太尼而被判处40年徒刑。 Lucio Camargo Garcia, from New Bern, has been sentenced to 40 years in prison for trafficking and distributing methamphetamine and fentanyl in Craven County. 定罪是在大陪审团于8月8日作出调查结果之后作出的,这次调查涉及多个机构,如缉毒局和当地执法部门。 The conviction followed a grand jury's finding on August 8, after an investigation that included multiple agencies, such as the DEA and local law enforcement. 在2022年10月31日的一次突袭中,缉获了超过两磅甲基安非他明和900克芬太尼。 Over two pounds of methamphetamine and 900 grams of fentanyl were seized during a raid on October 31, 2022.