利比里亚计划在五年内开始对内战暴行进行战争罪行审判。 Liberia plans to begin war crimes trials for civil war atrocities within five years.
利比里亚计划在今后五年内开始对1989年至2003年内战期间所犯的罪行进行战争罪审判,这些罪行造成大约25万人死亡。 Liberia plans to start war crimes trials within the next five years for offenses committed during its civil wars from 1989 to 2003, which killed around 250,000 people. 尽管过去受到过国际和国内的压力,但没有进行任何审判。 Despite previous international and domestic pressure, no trials have occurred. 真相与和解委员会于2009年建议设立一个特别法庭,约瑟夫·博阿凯总统现已通过设立一个办事处,设立混合法院,将地方法和国际法结合起来,从而推进了特别法庭的工作。 The Truth and Reconciliation Commission recommended a special court in 2009, which President Joseph Boakai has now advanced by establishing an office to set up the hybrid court, combining local and international laws.