Komander在12月20日首次获得ROH世界电视锦标赛冠军称号,击败Brian Cage和其他人。 Komander claimed his first ROH World Television Championship title on Dec. 20, defeating Brian Cage and others.
Komander在2024年12月20日的决战活动中 赢得了ROH世界电视锦标赛 击败了Brian Cage和其他四个人 Komander won the ROH World Television Championship at the Final Battle event on Dec. 20, 2024, defeating Brian Cage and four others in a tough elimination match. 这是Komander在ROH获得的第一个冠军 This was Komander's first title win in ROH. 这场比赛展现出令人印象深刻的一举一动,并因其激动人心而受到赞扬。 The match featured impressive moves and was praised for its excitement. 科曼德(Komander)去年差一点地错过了这个头衔, 也在AEW的《大陆经典》中竞争替代者。 Komander, who narrowly missed the title last year, is also competing in AEW's Continental Classic as a replacement. 据报告,他的表现给AEW后台留下了深刻印象,尽管他还没有赢得任何比赛。 His performance has reportedly impressed AEW backstage despite not winning any matches yet.