一项调查的结论是,三名家庭成员在一次车祸中死亡,因为他们的车辆未能在交界处停留。 An inquest concluded that three family members died in a car crash after their vehicle failed to stop at a junction.
一项调查发现,三名家庭成员——Paul和Verena Creilman和Phil Hegarty——于2020年7月在Antrim县Portglenone一个交叉路口停车后,在一次汽车碰撞中丧生。 An inquest found that three family members — Paul and Verena Creelman and Phil Hegarty — died in a car collision after their vehicle failed to stop at a junction in Portglenone, County Antrim, in July 2020. 丈夫Paul Creilman没有刹车或停止,尽管有警告迹象。 Husband Paul Creelman did not brake or stop, despite warning signs. 另一名司机在车速限制内行驶,没有时间作出反应。 The other driver, traveling within the speed limit, had no time to react. 未能停止的原因仍然没有确定。 The cause of the failure to stop remains undetermined.