印度的骆驼人口正在急剧下降,促使采取紧急行动,并在全国讲习班上集中关注这一问题。 India's camel population is critically declining, prompting urgent action and focus at a national workshop.
印度的骆驼人口正在急剧下降,促使人们呼吁采取紧急行动。 India's camel population is declining critically, prompting calls for urgent action. 畜牧业高级官员Alka Upadhyaya在拉贾斯坦邦比卡纳举行的全国讲习班上强调了这一问题,150多个利益攸关方参加了讲习班。 Alka Upadhyaya, a top animal husbandry official, highlighted the issue at a national workshop in Bikaner, Rajasthan, which brought together over 150 stakeholders. 此次活动恰逢联合国宣布2024年为国际骆驼年。 The event coincided with the UN declaring 2024 the International Year of Camelids. 重点是保护牧场和支持牧民,强调骆驼奶的营养效益。 The focus is on preserving grazing lands and supporting herders, emphasizing the nutritional benefits of camel milk.