印第安纳州的教练 Curt Cignetti 在大学橄榄球季后赛中输给圣母大学后面临强烈反对。 Indiana's coach Curt Cignetti faces backlash after loss to Notre Dame in College Football Playoff.
印第安纳州总教练 Curt Cignetti 面临批评, Indiana's head coach Curt Cignetti faced criticism after his team's loss to Notre Dame in the College Football Playoff. 尽管记录为11-1, 印第安纳的日程安排受到了质疑, 克尼内蒂在比赛前的自信引起了反弹, 当Hosiers与圣母院对抗时。 Despite an 11-1 record, Indiana's schedule was questioned, and Cignetti's pregame confidence drew backlash when the Hoosiers struggled against Notre Dame. SEC的球迷在败选后在社交媒体上嘲弄Cignetti, SEC fans mocked Cignetti on social media following the loss, highlighting the debate over whether Indiana deserved a playoff spot.