缅因州西德尼的一名高中学生在圣诞节前死亡,原因正在调查之中。 A high school student in Sidney, Maine, died before Christmas; the cause is under investigation.
据Carl Gartley总监报导, 一名Messalonskee高中学生在圣诞节前几天死亡。 A Messalonskee High School student died days before Christmas, as reported by Superintendent Carl Gartley. 由于警方正在缅因州西德尼进行调查,该学生的名字被扣留。 The student's name is withheld due to an ongoing police investigation in Sidney, Maine. 缅因州警察局正在调查该地区的一起事件 虽然不清楚是否与学生死亡有关 Maine State Police are investigating an incident in the area, though it's unclear if it's related to the student's death. 学校将于周六上午9时至11时为学生提供辅导。 The school will offer counseling for students on Saturday from 9-11 AM.