欧空局发射Proba-3号卫星,通过制造人造日蚀来研究太阳的日冕。 ESA launches Proba-3 satellites to study the Sun's corona by creating artificial eclipses.
欧洲空间局发射了Proba-3号卫星,这是两颗旨在制造人造日蚀的卫星,用于研究太阳的日冕。 The European Space Agency launched Proba-3, a pair of satellites designed to create artificial solar eclipses to study the Sun's corona. 这次飞行任务是第一个使用双航天器装置的任务,与只持续几分钟的自然日蚀相比,允许更长的观测期。 This mission is the first to use a two-spacecraft setup, allowing for more extended observation periods compared to natural eclipses, which last only a few minutes. 这些卫星相距约500英尺,将相互投下一层阴影,以揭示日冕,目的是回答有关其极端温度的问题。 The satellites, positioned about 500 feet apart, will cast a shadow on one another to reveal the corona, aiming to answer questions about its extreme temperatures. 预计卫星于2025年初同步运行大约四个月后,将得出初步结果。 Initial results are expected around four months after the satellites begin operating in sync in early 2025.