在新西兰高速公路坠毁事件中死亡的两名中国人中,有两名中国人;领事馆作出答复。 Chinese national among two dead in New Zealand highway crash; Consulate responds.
一名中国公民在新西兰南岛加纳伯里大谷1号州级公路上发生两辆车辆相撞事故中死亡. A Chinese national was among two fatalities in a two-vehicle crash on State Highway 1 in Greta Valley, Canterbury, New Zealand's South Island. 严重事故小组正在调查这起事件。 The Serious Crash Unit is investigating the incident. 中国驻克赖斯特彻奇总领馆已启动应急规程,并正在与地方当局协调。 The Chinese Consulate General in Christchurch has activated emergency protocols and is coordinating with local authorities. 领馆还建议中国游客谨慎行事,遵守交通规则以防止事故发生。 The Consulate also advised Chinese tourists to be cautious and follow traffic rules to prevent accidents.