巴尔的摩儿童和青年基金向董事会成员领导的非营利组织颁发20万美元奖项,引起利益冲突问题。 Baltimore's Children and Youth Fund awards $200,000 to nonprofit led by board member, raising conflict of interest questions.
巴尔的摩儿童与青年基金(BCYF)向BCYF董事会成员Lisa Molock经营的非营利组织“Let's Triive Baltimore”赠款超过20万美元。 Baltimore's Children and Youth Fund (BCYF) has awarded over $200,000 in grants to Let's Thrive Baltimore, a nonprofit run by BCYF board member Lisa Molock. 2022年初加入BCYF董事会的Molock 是"我们刺激的巴尔的摩"的执行主任 Molock, who joined the BCYF board in early 2022, is the executive director of Let's Thrive Baltimore. 尽管一名BCYF发言人声称程序透明,Molock在相关会议上回避,但一名前官员对赠款提出疑问,认为可能存在利益冲突。 Despite a BCYF spokesperson claiming the process is transparent and Molock recuses herself in relevant meetings, a former official questions the grants as a potential conflict of interest.