一名84岁的男子在Winnipeg被一辆汽车击中后死亡;86岁的司机留在现场。 An 84-year-old man died after being hit by a car in Winnipeg; the 86-year-old driver stayed at the scene.
一名84岁的男子于星期三晚上在Winnipeg的Westwood地区Byrd大道和Westwood大道交汇处被一辆汽车击中后死亡。 An 84-year-old man died after being hit by a car near the intersection of Byrd Avenue and Westwood Drive in Winnipeg's Westwood area on Wednesday evening. 这名86岁的司机留在现场,并与警方合作。 The 86-year-old driver remained at the scene and cooperated with police. 受害者被送往医院,但后来死于伤势。 The victim was taken to the hospital but later died from his injuries. 调查正在进行之中,当局正在寻找这一事件的任何录像或短片。 The investigation is ongoing, and authorities are seeking any video or dash cam footage from the incident.