WWE 考虑为 Roman Reigns 和 Solo Sikoa 的世仇举办新的部落酋长锦标赛,在 Raw 上首次亮相。 WWE considers new Tribal Chief Championship for Roman Reigns and Solo Sikoa's feud, debuting on Raw.
据报道,WWE正在考虑一个新的冠军带,称为Roman Reigns与Solo Sikoa之间持续争斗的部落首领锦标赛。 WWE is reportedly considering a new championship belt called the Tribal Chief Championship for the ongoing feud between Roman Reigns and Solo Sikoa. 这项赛事与"岩石之民锦标赛"类似,可以在即将到来的"部落战斗"比赛中首次亮相,该比赛将于1月6日在Netflix的WWE Raw节目中播出. This title, similar to The Rock's People's Championship, could debut in their upcoming Tribal Combat match on the January 6 episode of WWE Raw on Netflix. 如果引入,它将为他们的竞争增加具体元素,并可能为未来的比赛奠定基础。 If introduced, it would add a concrete element to their rivalry and potentially set the stage for future matches.