胡迪·约翰逊因参与纽约喷气机公司的决定,包括否决交易而面临批评。 Woody Johnson faces criticism for his involvement in New York Jets decisions, including vetoing trades.
纽约喷气机队老板伍迪·约翰逊因参与球队决策而面临批评,包括因为球员的低Maddn NFL评分而否决杰里·朱迪的交易. New York Jets owner Woody Johnson faces criticism for his involvement in team decisions, including vetoing a trade for Jerry Jeudy due to the player's low Madden NFL rating. 据报告,约翰逊的十几岁儿子影响他的选择,导致团队环境失调。 Johnson's teenage sons reportedly influence his choices, leading to a dysfunctional team environment. 喷气机队在约翰逊的领导下, 经历了14年的季后赛缺席和糟糕的场上表现. The Jets have struggled with a 14-year playoff drought and poor on-field performance under Johnson's ownership.