Wawa开放了第一个Florida Pensacola商店,免费吸引人群,并计划进一步扩大。 Wawa opens its first Florida Pensacola store, drawing crowds with freebies and planning further expansion.
Wawa在佛罗里达州彭萨科拉开设了第一家商店,吸引大批群众,提供T恤和咖啡等免费菜。 Wawa opened its first store in Pensacola, Florida, drawing large crowds and offering freebies like t-shirts and coffee. 便利商店连锁店计划在未来3-5年内在佛罗里达西北再开办20多家商店,创造约700个就业机会。 The convenience store chain plans to open over 20 more stores in Northwest Florida over the next 3-5 years, creating around 700 jobs. 新地点是佛罗里达州第251个,标志着Wawa自1964年在宾夕法尼亚州开业以来向该地区的扩张。 The new location is the 251st in Florida and marks Wawa's expansion into the area since its start in Pennsylvania in 1964.