Vertex的股票潜水作为止痛药 Suzetrigine 在试验中比安慰剂没有优势 引发法律探究 Vertex's stock dives as pain drug suzetrigine shows no advantage over placebo in trial, sparking legal probes.
在Vertex Pharmaceuticals的股票大幅下跌, 后其非阿片类疼痛药, suzetrigine, 显示类似于安慰剂的效果在第2期试验的腰部神经根细胞病变. Vertex Pharmaceuticals' stock plummeted after its non-opioid pain drug, suzetrigine, showed similar effectiveness to a placebo in a Phase 2 trial for lumbosacral radiculopathy. 尽管满足了减少疼痛的主要终点,但该药物的性能并未超过安慰剂,导致股票下降10%以上。 Despite meeting the primary endpoint of reducing pain, the drug did not outperform the placebo, causing shares to drop by over 10%. 该公司计划继续进行第三阶段试验,但试验结果引起了投资者和分析师的关切。 The company plans to continue with Phase 3 trials, but the results have raised concerns among investors and analysts. Black & Leviton现在正在调查可能违反证券法的行为。 Block & Leviton is now investigating potential securities law violations.