电视明星Denise Van Outten因煤气泄漏取消伦敦节目, TV star Denise Van Outen cancels London show due to gas leak, promises refunds and rescheduling.
电视明星Denise Van Outten因煤气泄漏, 不得不取消她在伦敦8号银行的夜总会节目, TV star Denise Van Outen had to cancel her cabaret show at London's Eight Embankment due to a gas leak, expressing regret to her audience. 这次活动的价格为38.75英镑,包括一顿饭和晚会后,在活动预定开始前几小时就被取消了。 The event, priced at £38.75 and including a meal and after-party, was canceled just hours before it was set to begin. Van Outen答应退款,并提到将节目重新安排为新年。 Van Outen promised refunds and mentioned rescheduling the show for the new year.