Thoothukudi面临失业危机,因为Sterlite铜厂关闭影响到40 000多人。 Thoothukudi faces unemployment crisis as Sterlite Copper plant closure affects over 40,000 people.
在印度Thoothukudi,Sterlite铜厂等工业的关闭导致大量失业,直接影响到1 500多名工人,间接影响到近40 000人。 In Thoothukudi, India, the closure of industries like the Sterlite Copper plant has led to significant unemployment, affecting over 1,500 workers directly and nearly 40,000 people indirectly. 抗议要求重新开放工厂, 领导人主张政府采取行动, 恢复就业和经济稳定。 Protests have called for the plant's reopening, with leaders advocating for government action to restore jobs and economic stability. 失业危机促使当地人到别处寻找工作或离开该地区。 The unemployment crisis has prompted locals to seek work elsewhere or abandon the area.