瑞士报告批评瑞士信贷公司倒闭时官员的保密和监管监督。 Swiss report criticizes officials' secrecy and regulator oversight in Credit Suisse collapse.
瑞士议会的一份报告指出,官员之间的秘密做法和不开会妨碍了瑞士对2023年瑞士信贷崩溃的反应。 A Swiss parliamentary report revealed that secretive practices and non-meetings among officials hindered Switzerland's response to the 2023 Credit Suisse collapse. 虽然危机主要归因于银行董事会和管理层的长期管理不善,但报告批评金融监管机构FINMA监督不足和给予过度资本救济。 While the crisis was mainly attributed to long-term mismanagement by the bank's board and management, the report criticized the financial regulator FINMA for inadequate oversight and granting excessive capital relief. 调查提出了20项建议,呼吁更严格地监督金融部门,并在国际框架内对“太大而不能倒”的银行实行监管。 The inquiry made 20 recommendations, calling for stricter financial sector oversight and placing regulations for "too big to fail" banks within an international framework.