由于875.9M美元的预算差距和经济问题,S&P降低了旧金山的信用评级。 S&P downgrades San Francisco's credit rating due to an $875.9M budget gap and economic issues.
S&P全球评级将旧金山的信用评级从“AAA”降为“AA+”, 原因是预算赤字和经济挑战不断增长。 S&P Global Ratings has downgraded San Francisco's credit rating from 'AAA' to 'AA+' due to growing budget deficits and economic challenges. 降级影响到该市的一般债务债务及其拨款债务,可能导致借贷费用增加。 The downgrade affects the city's general obligation debt and its appropriation obligations, potentially leading to higher borrowing costs. 该城市面临8.759亿美元的预算缺口,财政挑战预计将增加。 The city faces an $875.9 million budget gap, with financial challenges expected to increase.