一架小型飞机在纽约东奥罗拉附近坠毁,造成飞行员死亡;调查正在进行中。 A small plane crashed near East Aurora, New York, killing the pilot; investigation is ongoing.
一架小型飞机在纽约东奥罗拉附近坠毁, 靠近水牛比尔斯球员Dion Dawkins的家。 A small plane crashed near East Aurora, New York, close to the home of Buffalo Bills player Dion Dawkins. 载有一个人的单引擎飞机于上午11时30分左右坠落,早期报告显示,坠机可能是因电问题造成的。 The single-engine plane, carrying one person, went down around 11:30 a.m., with early reports suggesting an electrical issue may have caused the crash. 飞行员被杀,东奥罗拉消防队长在现场。 The pilot was killed, and the East Aurora fire chief was at the scene. 国家交通安全委员会和其他机构正在进行调查。 The National Transportation Safety Board and other agencies are investigating.