警长办公室调查了德克萨斯州洛克代尔一家家中发现的一个妇女的死亡案。 Sheriff's office investigates death of a woman found in a home in Rockdale, Texas.
Milam县警长办公室正在调查 12月18日 德克萨斯州Rockdale的Beverly Drive一家家中 发现一名妇女的死亡案 The Milam County Sheriff's Office is investigating the death of a woman found in a home on Beverly Drive in Rockdale, Texas, on December 18th. 当局在下午1时左右作出回应,下令进行尸体解剖,以确定死因。 Authorities responded around 1 p.m. and ordered an autopsy to determine the cause of death. 作为一项预防措施,已将数只狗从财产中移走。 Several dogs from the property have been removed as a precautionary measure. 调查仍在进行中,没有透露任何进一步细节或妇女的身份。 The investigation is ongoing, and no further details or the woman's identity have been released.